Contact Information & Questions

If you have any questions regarding membership, participating in practice or anything else, you can send an mail to the e-mail below. We will answer you within 72 hours. If you didn’t receive an e-mail from us please send us an e-mail again. 

For questions regarding membership/participating in practice, we would like to ask you to send your experience with football and your wishes. 

For questions regarding match rescheduling, we ask you to send your mail with urgency.

If you are a member of Football Factory and you would like to make a reservation for a field, you can contact

Mail LVV Football Factory

Match secretary LVV Football Factory

Vincent Gijse: 06-46320582

USC General Phone Number

+31 (0)71 527 4610

USC Sportcanteen Number

+31 (071) 527 4612

Address LVV Football Factory
(Address: Sportpark de Kikkerpolder 2)

Oegstgeesterweg 2

Important Dates

Parties, total escalation, or just a Factorian party! But also dates that can help you get succes!

So, put these dates in your agenda and be there!

15th of february: FF Pub Quiz!

22nd of march: Ballenfeest

9th of may: StuTo! 


Opening hours Club & Canteen

Enjoy a nice beverage before or after your practice of match!

For opening hours of the club and the canteen you can look below! Because of construction at the USC these opening hours can be different.


Opening hours:  

Monday – Friday 10:00 – 23:00
Saturday – Sunday 08:00 – 18:00




Location Club canteen and pitch

De Club canteen and the pitch are currently located at LVV Lugdunum’s Kikkerpolder 2. This is due to construction at the USC.

Address: Oegstgeesterweg 2, 2334 BZ Leiden

Bank Account

NL23 RABO 0143 8882 77   t.n.v.  LVV FOOTBALL FACTORY

Follow us on social media for more news and updates!

You can find us on facebook, instagram and twitter!