New members information

Do you want to play in The Hague? Go for more information to

Come and be a Factorian!




Dear Factorian,

Thank you for joining LVV Football Factory! On this page you can find some basic information to make things a bit easier.

  1. USC and Football Factory rules and policies

Read the guidelines and policies of the club and the USC thoroughly. You can find these guidelines on this page and at As we are currently located at Lugdunum due to construction work taking place, also check out the following page: Normen en waarden bij Lugdunum – LVV Lugdunum.

  1. Contribution

The total fee for complete membership is €270,-. USC will collect €211,45 per member per year of this fee, which allows Football Factory members to access the USC gym (only if you are a student to Leiden University/Hogeschool Leiden). The remaining amount will be used to pay the KNVB and for several other purposes of the club.

  1. Training

If you join Football Factory as a team, you will be contacted at which time you are allowed to practice. We will take care of materials like cones, balls and other stuff, which you can use during practice and games. These materials will be put in a locker. You are supposed to get your own materials out of your locker. To make sure the balls are not soft, you can make use of the electric pump also located in the material room.

As a new team you will get the option to train your team yourself. On websites like are suggestions for practice exercises that might suit you. If you prefer to have a trainer, you can contact the board and we will try to arrange something. When your training is done, we expect that you put the materials back in the locker and put back the goals that you used during practice.

  1. Games

Home Game
The schedule for the season can be found on (also an app). This site also shows the team tables. Club kits are also arranged by the club. When you play at home against a team with similar colors to our club kit, the team that plays at home is supposed to fix a kit with different colors. These kits can be found in the general locker. For further questions you can contact Geert.

Finally, the first team that plays that day is supposed to put the corner flags on the pitch. These corner flags are found in the back of the locker room. If you are the last team that plays on the pitch, you are supposed to collect the corner flags and put them back in the locker room.

Away Game
When you have an away game, you are supposed to fix your own transport to the away game. Every year we ask the KNVB to take into account that we are students with limited travel possibilities. Also, do not forget to bring your materials from the club for warming up.

Moving a game
Every season a team has the possibility to cancel 1 game. This means that the game will be canceled for that upcoming date and be rescheduled at a later time. If you are planning to do so you have to let the board know the monday before the game at the latest. The board has to file the cancellation before 12:00 on tuesday to cancel the game.

You are always allowed to move a game in collaboration with the other team. If you are not able to make it to a game, you can contact the other team and propose a new date to play the match. When both teams agree on the new date, the board can be contacted to file an official proposal for the new date.

Game rules diploma
Every new football player is expected to get his game rules diploma via the KNVB. This diploma is needed to play matches. Information on how to get this diploma will be provided via an email by the KNVB.

At the start of each game the trainer or team captain is supposed to put the team selection in an app of the KNVB. The team selection of the upcoming game needs to be selected, a team captain has to be appointed and an assistant referee has to be selected (player of the team). Only when the form on the app is filled in, the score can be filled in by the match secretary. For more information you can contact the board.

  1. Referees

From the men’s teams it is expected that they supply referees for the other matches during the season. The board will provide the team captains and trainer a document in which they should assign a referee. The board will make sure that every team provides an equal number of referees. Swapping matches is allowed in collaboration with the board.

The referee is expected to be on the pitch 15 minutes prior to the start of the match. A referee kit, whistle and flags for the assistant-referees are found in a locker in the material room. It is also allowed for the referee to wear their own clothes. If you are the second/third referee of the day, you can make use of the materials from the previous referee (do not try to take over the materials of KNVB-officials). If you are the last referee that day, you are expected to put the materials safely back into the locker. The final score should be given to the Internal Affairs member of the board.
This information will be provided again via your mobile phone by one of the board members a few days before the game.

  1. Committees and activities

Above all, we are students/alumni who love to consume an alcoholic beverage every now and then. During the season Football Factory will organize activities which you are free to join. These activities will be found on the website and will be promoted on Instagram and WhatsApp. Enjoy being a Factorian on and off the pitch and bring all your fellow team members!

Do you want to help us organize these activities or do you want to contribute something to the club as board member, then contact us! Are you just curious if one of these things might suit you, do not hesitate to ask/contact us for more information.

We hope that this information will let you feel a little bit more of a real Factorian. If you have any other questions, please contact us and we hope to help you as soon as possible. We wish you a great season and lots of fun!

Yours sincerely,

LVV Football Factory Board

Privacy Policy

Football Factory is registered in the Chamber of Commerce (number 27319427). The privacy policy describes what personal information we use, for which ends we use your personal data and which measurements we took to justify this in a just and transparent way taking the demands of the “Algemene Verorderning Gegevensbescherming” into account.


1.1 We (possibly) process the following personal data if you:

1.2 We collect the following (personal) data:

  • NAW-information;
  • Phone number;
  • Date of birth;
  • Sex;
  • Email-address;
  • Bank number;
  • Pass photo;
  • Member number (KNVB).

1.3 We can use this data to:

  • Legitimate the membership;
  • Send newsletters;
  • Make/maintain contact;
  • Improve services;
  • Improve the website;
  • Organize activities/events;
  • Make deals with sponsors;
  • Recruit members;
  • To make agreements (for the club’s purposes);


2.1 You can contact info@lvvfootballfactory for:

  • More information how we use your personal data;
  • Questions in response to this privacy policy;
  • Insight of the personal data we use of you;
  • Correction, limitation, deletion of transmission of your data;
  • Objection against the use of your data by Football Factory.


3.1 We will use your data solely for the purposes as stated in this privacy policy and will thereby use adequate techniques and organizational measurements to secure your data.


4.1 We (possibly) provide your data with the following parties:

  • University Sport Centre Leiden;
  • University of Leiden;
  • KNVB;

These parties can use your data for the purposes as stated in article 1.3.


5.1 We do not preserve your data longer necessary taking the legislation of preservation into account.


6.1 It can occur that this privacy policy might change in the future. We recommend to keep an eye on the privacy policy to stay informed


7.1 This privacy policy is formed on the 25th of may 2018 and will be of use after this date.

Yours sincerely,

The LVV Football Factory board

25th of may 2018



 “Be a part of the team, not a part of the problem”

“Be a part of the team, not a part of the problem”

Guidelines for members

  1. Members are expected to be on time for practice and matches.
  2. If you are not able to make it to practice or to the match, you have to your trainer/team captain know in advance.
  3. If your team is not able to make it to the match, you have to let the board know before the Tuesday prior to the match. Each team has the possibility to cancel 1 match a year.
  4. When you arrive at the club by bike, it is expected that your bike is placed at the designated spot. Leave the entrance open for emergency services.
  5. Every member is expected to follow the dressing room scheme.
  6. Behave yourself at the club, also prior and after your match and/or practice. Do not stay longer than necessary in the dressing rooms.
  7. Keep the dressing rooms clean. Do not leave any mess in the dressing rooms.
  8. Take care with the materials supplied by the board and the USC.
  9. Smoking is prohibited on the grounds of the club.
  10. Do not enter the canteen with your football shoes.
  11. Incidents on the pitch and red cards gotten in a match are expected to be reported to the board after the match.
  12. The internal disciplinary committee invite the member or the whole team on the following Monday for investigation and possible sanctions.
  13. The consumption of alcohol on the pitch is prohibited. Alcohol can be consumed in the designated areas of the canteen.
  14. Bullying and all kinds of negative behavior will not be tolerated. Members who are guilty of bullying or other kinds of negative behavior will punished as seen fit by the disciplinary committee. Misbehavior, vandalism, unsportsmanlike behavior are examples of negative behavior that once again will not be tolerated.
  15. Fines that are given by the KNVB (in the form of a yellow or red card) need to be paid by the member who was fined for the violation.
  16. Members of club are obliged to follow any sanction or punishment given by the KNVB and/or the board.
  17. The contribution is expected to be paid prior to the new season. If the contribution is not paid before the 1st of November, the member will not be able to play any matches. If the member has not paid the contribution before the end of November, an external agency will be used to collect the extra costs made by the member as consequence of its misbehavior.
  18. To ensure that the matches at LVV Football Factory are fun and well organized, all members are expected to help the club. The men’s teams will be asked for referees and the women’s teams will be asked to take over the bar. De team captains will be informed about a scheme and mutually switching will be tolerated

Guidelines for members and visitors

  1. It is not allowed to bring your own alcoholic consumption to the grounds of the club. The consumption of alcohol is only allow at the therefore designated areas.
  2. Persons below the age of 18 will not be served any alcoholic consumption.
  3. The use of drugs or any narcotic agents are not allow on the grounds of the club.
  4. It is forbidden to smoke on the grounds of the club.
  5. Stay behind the fences if you are not expected to practice or play in a match.
  6. Any form of negative behavior will not be tolerated. We expect members and visitors to treat each other with respect on and off the pitch.
  7. Any form of violence will not be tolerated. Solve any kind of disagreement with respect and without verbal and physical violence.
  8. Respect any decision made by the referee.


The board is allowed to punish its members as seen fit. Sanctions and/or punishments can be to members when they do not follow the guidelines above. Visitors can be denied of entrance in the future when they do not follow the guidelines above.

Are you thinking about becoming our newest Factorian?

LVV Football Factory has a team for every kind of player! Because we are a big student football club we got a variety of teams and we are there to find the right team for every player. Do you only want to participate in training? No problem. Do you want to do try-outs for our first team? Then give it your best shot. Do you just want to play matches with your friends and shine in the third half? Then join one of our other teams. Join as a team or join one of our teams. So are you a beginning player or our biggest talent? Everyone is welcome to become a new Factorian!

Do you prefer to play in The Hague? Go for more information to

Our Board

General Board

General Praeses

Pieter van Schie

General Fiscus

Niels de Looff

General ab Actis

Timothy Boerendonk

Board Leiden

Praeses Leiden

Amber van Berge Henegouwen

Internal Affairs Leiden

Brady van Marwijk

Fiscus Leiden

Dionne Spijkerman

Member Public Relations Leiden

Jiska van de Sande

ab Actis Leiden

Nino van Moorsel

Board The Hague

Praeses Den Haag

Lucas Seewald

Fiscus The Hague

Mark Voskamp

ab Actis The Hague

Sam Dallow

Our Memberships

Training only?
€10 (ex. USC abonnement)

Do you want to participate in training but not play matches, then you have to choose this package. However, you are obliged to have a USC membership.


Fully Member/Alumni
(USC Membership + Access for matches)

Do you want to participate in practice and in matches, then you have to pick this package. This package consists of: KNVB membership, training and an USC membership (required for membership). This package is also for Alumni.

Ben je Alumni? Kies dan ook voor dit pakket!

I already have an USC membership and I only need a KNVB/Football Factory membership.

Do you already have an USC membership (required for Football Factory membership) and do you want to participate in practice and matches, then you have to pick this package!


Club Sponsors

Want to join our club?

If you are a student looking for a new football club in one of the most beautiful cities in The Netherlands, then you are right where you are supposed to be. At Football Factory we value quality football. When we are not on the pitch, we organize activities for the whole club like a FIFA tournament, an ‘’oliebollen’’ tournament, the Factorian Weekend, and the China Tournament (in which universities from all over the world participate). Not convinced yet? Then, contact us via email and try to participate in a training in one of our teams. Be our next Factorian!

Do you prefer to play in The Hague? Go for information about our The Hague club to